Look with eyes

Look with eyes

by Mikołaj Krawczunas

Recently, how often have you gazed keenly? Whereas, unfocused on anything in particular; yet, seeing everything…

Every person possesses their own, eye sparkle. While in some it’s dim, in others it’s bright and lively. 

We are like moths flying around eager to see this bright twinkle in someone else’s eyes. Perhaps, sometimes, we will burn ourselves; henceforth, coming to know, that it’s still worth it! 

Without it, we lack the light in our own eyes.

“The eyes are organs of the visual system. They provide living organisms with vision, the ability to receive and process visual details, as well as, enabling several photo response functions that are independent of vision. They detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulse neurons.”

MODELS: Michalina Nguyen \ Lila Poter \ Angela Olszewska \ Sandra Kevin 

Montage & Color: Igor Gołczyński